Christmas in a different way. “Freue Dich” — Rejoice! That’s the heart of Christmas time and the heart of this Christmas album by the Christiane Dehmer Trio: Unusual interpretations of traditional German Christmas carols, imparting Christmas as a time of joy, hope, originality, and culture. It fulfills Christiane’s dream to transform the festive as well as the contemplative atmosphere of these well-known German Christmas tunes into a new, modern jazz-pop shape. Look forward to a new taste of tradition and get ready to be surprised.

Available everywhere online and on CD. Enjoy listening:

Christiane Dehmer: piano, vocals, arrangements
Friedrich Betz: bass
Clemens Nölle: drums
Matthias Dehmer: recording, production, layout
Hennry Wirth: design CD title cover
Label: Creative Heart Music

Frohe Weihnachten! Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Feliz Navidad! Mele Kalikimaka! Buon Natale! Sretan Bozic! Hyvää Joulua! Noeliniz Ve Yiliniz! Vrolijk Kerstfeest! God Jul!

Live with: Klaus Ratzek (bass) &
Tobias Schirmer (drums)

CHRISTIANE DEHMER TRIO live – not only in christmas times: